I'm going to complain for a second... This weather has been horrible and I AM SICK OF IT. We were cooped up all week. Serious cabin fever has set in, and I found my normal generalized anxiety through the roof. I was going nuts! I'd love to hear I wasn't the only one so please commiserate with me in the comments:)
Here was the post office this past Wednesday.
I live at the beach, and there is maybe two plows to be had in a 100 mile radius.
School was closed all week, but my poor postman was here everyday (literally risking life and limb).
I gave him some homemade chocolate chip cookies, which upon re-reading the above sentence seems a little lame.
I only listed once this week. It was Thursday night and I sold a bunch Fri and Sat, proving the more you list the more you sell once again.
Before that was slow. Like didn't sell one thing for two days slow. I grossed about $250.
On to some sales from the week:
TI Business Analyst paid $2 sold $14.99 in two days.
I'm still selling calculators very regularly. They are on my guaranteed quick sale list now.
Copper Tea Kettle paid $2 or $3 sold $24.00 overnight
Palm Tree Silver plate Candle Sticks
Paid $2 sold on sale for $16.99
From here at the beach to someone in Vermont which I really got a kick out of.
Here is sending WARM weather wishes your way!!!
If it's hot where you are I'd love to hear about it. Just don't rub it in:)