Thursday, May 15, 2014

Are You A Reseller?

Recently I was doing a quick thrift at my local Children’s Hospital of the Kings Daughters (CHKD) Thrift store. Generally I find the CHKD thrift stores the most expensive in the area, but they have 20% off Military Mondays, so I’ll stop in every once in awhile.

I remember the day clearly because I bought an IBM Selectric Correcting Typewriter for $11.00, which is another post in itself. I also bought this XL Jiminy Cricket mug for $1.60, sold for $18.00 free shipping.

And this Moose mug for a quarter. I have it listed in my Etsy shop. It currently has five favorites, but no bites.

While I was loading up my car, a lady who I’d seen shopping in the store approached me in the parking lot.
“Excuse me, are you a reseller?” she asked, “I noticed the things you were buying, and they were things I would buy to resell too.”
What a fun moment! I ran home and told my husband that someone asked me if I was a reseller, and that I had proudly responded, Yes I Am!!!

When did you go from doing eBay as a hobby to being a full blown reseller?

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